Are you a newly established company and need a website to introduce yourself to the world? Or have you been in the market for a while and realized that online visibility and search engines are vital for more successful business operations? There are many providers of website creation online – where and how to start?
Here we can help you with years of experience in creating websites. We will show you what material to send to the designer, what information we need from you to create an offer, what is the difference between a presentation website and an online store, and how the website creation itself takes place.
I want to get an offer for creating a new website
Even if you already have an established website, we recommend creating a website entirely anew. Materials from the previous website can be used, but for the system and the appearance of the site, it is much easier if it is established anew. Less time is spent on creation, and the appearance will be more modern and more compatible with today’s trends in the world of websites.
To get an offer from you, we need the following information:
- kakšna je vsebina vaše spletne strani – na kratko opisana vaša dejavnost oz. kaj želite na spletni strani predstaviti?
- koliko strani oz. podstrani predvidevate, da bi imeli na spletni strani?
- če že imate primer strani, ki vam je všeč ali imate že neko dodelano vizijo, kaj približno želite, nam prosimo posredujte povezavo oz. povezave, če je teh več.
- potrebujete predstavitveno spletno stran ali želite imeti spletno trgovino?
- imate svoje lastne fotografije ali potrebujete tudi poslovno fotografiranje (prostorov, portretno fotografiranje, morda kratko video predstavitev za spletno stran)? Možen je tudi zakup licenčnih fotografij s področja vaše panoge z različnih portalov (Shutterstock, Istock itd.).
- že imate svoj logotip ali potrebujete ponudbo tudi za izdelavo prepoznavnega znaka, ki ga boste uporabljali tudi v nadaljevanju za razne promocijske tiskovine itd.?
- ali potrebujete zakup domene in gostovanja spletne strani, ali želite to urediti sami? V primeru, da se odločite za našo ponudbo, se plačuje strošek enkrat letno, v primeru da uredite to sami pri željenem ponudniku, pa nam priskrbite le uporabniško ime in geslo za dostop do sistema, sami pa preko njih potem urejate podaljševanje zakupa domene in gostovanja.

Ste se odločili za izvajalca storitve? Kako navadno poteka postopek izdelave spletne strani pri Eving Design?
Once you confirm the received offer, we first agree on the course, depending on whether you need logo creation, company photography, or portrait photography first… Then we arrange a meeting to finalize all the details regarding the project. Or we can agree on everything in writing via email, where we send you everything we need from you to start creating the website.
We also send you a short questionnaire, with which we become better acquainted with your company, your wishes, and vision, what you want the website to communicate to the visitor, and what is the main purpose of your website. Here we also become familiar with your advantages over the competition, what makes you unique, what you would highlight in presenting your company…
Katero gradivo potrebujemo od stranke?
At the very beginning of creation, we need your logo in vector format (PDF, AI), if you already have it. You also send us all the image material in high resolution if it is usable for the website. You can send the material for free and without registration via Wetransfer, where you can send up to 2 GB of data. Via email, the limit is 20 – 30 MB, and sending multiple emails can quickly lead to confusion. The most clearly sent material (which also allows for faster creation and fewer subsequent corrections) is named by categories, sorted by folders (category name), so we immediately know where each image belongs. All folders can be compressed into one file with ZIP or RAR compression.
We also need the text that will be used on the website from you. We ask the client to provide this text themselves, as they know their business best and know what they want to present and communicate to website visitors. Based on the received text, we send you suggestions for improvement or possible additional text requirements if we believe that this will contribute to better placement of the website on Google.
Predlogi glede izgleda spletne strani
We create websites in the WordPress CMS system. After receiving your material and agreement on the details of the website, we send links to pages that we believe would be suitable for you. Together we agree on which proposal to establish the appearance of your website.
Kakšna je cena izdelave spletne strani?
The offer is determined individually for each person when they send all the necessary information so that we can determine the expected complexity and time spent on creating your presentation page.
The price for creating a presentation website with approximately 6-8 subpages averages 790 EUR. For creating an online store with up to 10 products and integrating the Paypal payment system, it starts from 990 EUR. All this depends on the number of subpages, the scope of content, appearance, and functionality, the number of products, and product variants… Therefore, we recommend that you provide as many details as possible regarding content, appearance, which pages you like…
Kakšna je razlika med predstavitveno spletno stranjo in spletno trgovino?
The difference is mainly in functionality. A presentation website usually includes a homepage, company (or individual) presentation, gallery, blog, contact, and presentation of individual services or products. An online store, in addition to all the above, includes a “Store” subpage, where products are available for online sale. Online stores are increasingly widespread today and very convenient for all companies that do not have the option of having a physical store. An online store is easy to use. Payment options are usually cash on delivery, prepayment, and via the Paypal payment system.